unexpected bouquet

What you will see below are dried stems pulled from a plant and flowers cut from another. I was holding them in one gloved hand about to discard them in a garbage bag when I noticed that what I was about to discard was an unexpected bouquet. I still placed them in the garbage bag but only after taking several photos.😊

a thought or a prayer?

On my walk last Saturday, I thought something like this, “There is nothing worth taking a picture of amidst the dreary brown and green of winter.” Okay. Confession. So maybe I did not actually use the word “amidst” nor was my thought that coherent but you get the gist. Shortly afterwards, my gaze fell on what to me were exquisitely shaped mushrooms. Was I just thinking or praying? Noticing the mushrooms seemed like the answer to a prayer made without forethought. Some may say it was coincidence. I believe in a God who gives good gifts, just because.

once more in the park

Darkness. The cold. Rain. Etc. Individually and collectively, they kept me out of my favorite walking place and space. To borrow a word from Eliza Dolittle from My Fair Lady, it was “loverly” to be back.


These images brought to mind a Bible verse that both calms me and provides perspective. And one perspective I always need is this, “There is a God who is loving, almighty, and sovereign and I am not Him.

“Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalms 46:10, Amplified Bible).