CWW Photo Challenge

Participating in Cee’s Which Way challenge. “This Which Way challenge is all about capturing the roads, walks, trails, rails, steps, signs, etc. we move from one place to another on.”

Shall we continue or is this goodbye_ (2)

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Esther Wright

raindrops on roses

The pop of color against the overcast hue of the day, drew me into my backyard, cellphone in hand to take a photograph. Noticing the raindrops on the roses and having these lyrics,”Rain drops on roses,” come to mind, made me laugh out loud with joy. A rainy day gift. Thank You, Father.


Some mornings
The Artist uses the sun with bold brushstrokes,
painting the canvas that is sky
with bold colors –
fuschia, orange, bright yellows.

Other mornings,
His brushstrokes seem tender, gentle,
and the sky is covered in soft pinks,
and baby blues, and creamy yellows.

And in our lives,
The Artist is at work,
even using “colors”
(our experiences, events, choices)
that were not part of His original design,
to paint something beautiful.

on the morning train

The title of the post is from the song, “Morning Train.” It is interesting how lyrics can pop into mind in response to an image. Below is a rendition of the song by the group, Five Blind Boys of Alabama.